With over one billion daily visitors on Facebook, this social media platform offers an incredible opportunity for various business and brands to reach out to a large group of audience. However, if not done properly, your online marketing strategies will only go to waste.
Today, every brand has a presence on Facebook. Standing out from your competitors have become quite challenging. You need to be shrewd in terms of Facebook marketing strategies you employ to reach your target audience. In this post, we will be giving you some a couple of smart and easy Facebook marketing ideas that will help you in growing both your business and LinkedIn leads through Facebook.
Target an Insanely Particular Audience
As you all know, there is no size fits all. This means that your product is for a particular group of audience, age range, class of the society, and so forth. To get the best out of your Facebook marketing strategies, you need target an insanely particular audience that your products and services are meant for. Hence, by employing the right demographics data and statistics, you will be able to get your products to the right audience.
Increase Engagement by Running a Simple Contest
In addition, you must have been hearing about Facebook contents, have you ever considered trying one for your business? One of the most incredible ways to increase ad engagement on Facebook is by running a contest with an enticing incentive. You can simply give them a simple task or contest to do and reward the winner. This may range from taking pictures of your product, or telling you what they like best about your product. This enough, can drive insane traffic to your page. This way, you are optimizing your Facebook marketing strategies.
Create Short, Enticing Video Posts for Facebook Marketing
However, as much as people love the “video experience,” the major mistakes brands make is posting too long videos. No one wants to spend 5 minutes watching what you have to say. Short, enticing, and straight-to-the-point. This will catch the attention of your audience, make them watch. In fact, they can even share with their friends and loved ones if they find interesting. This way, they are helping you spread the news about your business.
Post Images of Babies Acting Like Adults or Dogs Acting Like Humans
As weird as this might sound, it actually works. Everyone loves babies and dogs. Even if they are not related to your brand, be creative and find a way to make them relate. In addition, give them hilarious but creative brand-related captions. These adorable images of babies and dogs doing the unthinkable will definitely catch the attention of your audience.
Target Your Existing Leads for Facebook Marketing
Another way to get the best out of your Facebook marketing endeavors is to target your existing leads. Simply upload the email list you’ve gathered over the years, and display your ads to them. Make use of the Custom Audiences feature on Facebook to target the leads you’ve gathered from your newsletter signup and other lead generation avenues. You can also target your loyal customers or group of your new customers.
There you have it! The following are a couple of smart and easy tips to help you get the best out of your Facebook marketing endeavors.