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Lucinda Atwood

Research Assistant

Lucinda Atwood communicates clearly. An author and clear language consultant, she works with organizations and private clients to improve their communication products and practices. Lucinda is currently completing a BFA at Emily Carr University, majoring in Critical + Cultural Practice.

Lucinda has specialized in information design and presentation for over twenty years, working with clients such as universities, publishers, crown corporations and creative professionals. She started teaching in 1977 and has been bringing calm clear instruction and a sense of fun to her classes and workshops ever since.

Welcome to SIM Centre

The Social + Interactive Media Centre is a new research centre that supports a wide range of applied social, interactive and design projects. Funded by a 5-year grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the centre offers BC companies a way to tap the design, creative and technical expertise of Emily Carr faculty and students.